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In the News – Put Together Checklist for Funeral Plan

Published 8/5/2019

The article “Put together checklist for funeral plan” is written by Susan B. Garland for Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine. This piece touches on how making several important decisions before you pass will keep your loved ones from having to make difficult decisions. Garland emphasizes that no detail is too small when you think of how you want all your arrangements handled after you pass.

Not sure where to start?
Here’s a guideline to creating your checklist.

Think about your funeral, do you want to have a:

  • Burial
  • Cremation
  • Donation

Do you know:

  • Which funeral home
  • What location for a reception for mourners

The cost for these services can add up quickly and be quite costly. If you research now, you can set aside appropriate funds to ensure your desires are met. By doing this you might realize how much money you could spend on yourself verses saving for your heirs. You can set aside these funds to a payable-on-death savings account which will be accessible by the executor or beneficiary immediately for the funeral. 

Point out now what you want for later. Delve deeper into a preference checklist. Get more done now to save your loved one’s emotional stress later. 

Do you have: 

  • Eulogist
  • Readings you would like read
  • Specific people to invite

Checklists and guidelines can help get the planning process started. Learn how to benefit your beneficiaries and your wishes as best you can with the help of the professionals at Pankau Law. Get in touch with the professionals today. 


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